Footnote from Maryland
couch01.JPG (50751 bytes)  Temple Hills

Au revoir les enfants - I spoke with a friend about my experience in Maryland on this third week of January, 2000. If the memories of an old man are best kept by his children and grandchildren, what of the children themselves?

There my sister and I were, an aunt and uncle from the West Coast who had never met their nieces and nephews in the East until a month after their grandfather died. Then, it was as though they had chatted, played and bickered with us all their lives. How was this possible?  Will the same rapport be there a few fleeting years from now, as these kids hastily go on with their adolescence and early adulthood?

Snowman03.JPG (98583 bytes)   Upper Marlboro

My friend responded by saying that to love children is to brace for loss, for they do not remain children for very long. The memories they carry are their own, whether they'd ever act upon them, as I did for old Al Mozier.

I should know.  I was ten when I first knew Uncle Al, and loved him the most.

Photos are taken with the Canon Pro70 digital camera.

bulletEulogies (Al's first page)
bulletArlington: Full Military Honors
bulletArlington: Family Portrait
bulletDinner at Rip's
bulletBanquet at Peking Gourmet Inn
bulletFootnote from Maryland
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bulletGallery: Temple Hills, Maryland

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